I work with couples by initially gaining an understanding of what made them come in for therapy, helping them articulate goals for each other, and working on achieving those goals.
I also like to help couples talk about their individual histories. I find it helps each partner empathize and understand better what might be at the root of the problem.
In addition, I ask each person to talk about how they met, what brought them together, what made them fall in love and to include a story about a time when they were getting along better so we’re not just focusing on conflict but also on the love that brought them together.
And finally, I look for a way to understand the patterns of their relationship and help free them from destructive patterns by using their love to motivate them.
I will develop a dialogue with you that will eventually lead to a cohesive understanding of the roots of your problems, why it is coming up now, and why it is manifesting itself in the way it is. We will work together to diminish your pain and improve your life.
We will reach a better understanding that takes into account your childhood, your relationships with parents, siblings, teachers, peers, and more. We will also, when possible, look at patterns in the interactions between you and me in the room that can shed light on the problems you are hoping to understand and resolve outside of the room. We will look at dreams as well as your interactions with important people in your current life, to further inform our understanding.